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BCBSIL exime a los asegurados del pago de gastos compartidos para el tratamiento contra el COVID-19

10.° de abril de 2020

To make it easier for our members to get the care and treatment they need, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is waiving member cost-sharing, including deductibles, copayments and coinsurance, related to treatment for COVID-19. La exención se aplica a los costos correspondientes al tratamiento para el COVID-19 en centros de la red y al tratamiento de emergencias fuera de la red.

La nueva política se aplica a los asegurados de BCBSIL que tengan:

  • Coberturas a través del empleo (grupal) con pólizas de seguro con primas mensuales
  • Coberturas individuales y familiares
  • Coberturas Medicare (excepto la Parte D)
  • Coberturas Suplementarias Medicare
  • Medicaid

We are also offering this to self-insured customers. For details on that decision, along with the decision deadline, please see our April 3 news alert.

Our policy is effective for treatment received April 1 through May 31, 2020. BCBSIL will reassess this policy as circumstances warrant.

Otros cambios anunciados por  BCBSIL en respuesta al COVID-19 durante esta emergencia de salud pública son los siguientes:

  • Expanding access to telehealth coverage
  • Waiving preauthorization and members’ cost-sharing for testing to diagnose COVID-19
  • Lifting restrictions on early prescription fills
  • Lifting cost-sharing for in-network medically necessary services delivered via telemedicine
  • Waiving prior authorization requirements for transfers to in-network, alternative post-acute facilities until April 30, 2020
  • Launching a dedicated COVID-19 educational website so members can easily access information and resources around COVID-19
  • Opening a special-enrollment period for commercial group account customers
  • Launching the COVID-19 Collaborative Grant Fund to provide resources and support to those most impacted by the pandemic

Vea the latest information on BCBSIL’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and other information and tips to stay healthy.