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Conceptos básicos

What Does "In-Network" Mean?

Sometimes the words used in health care can be confusing. Making sure you know what "in-network" means may also mean you might save money. Listen in on this discussion between our health advocate and Victor, a BCBSIL member.

Do I Need a Referral to See a Specialist?

Looking to see a specialist aside from your primary care physician like Vanessa? Not to worry! Robert answers Vanessa's question about which plan needs a referral to see a specialist.

Where Can I Go If I Have Questions About My Health Coverage?

Health insurance can be a bit confusing but we're here to help. From mobile applications to blogs, Vanessa gets the low-down in this video.

Cobertura para viajes

We follow Marissa and her boyfriend as they travel out of state. While building up his courage to ask her a very important question, he gets nervous, fumbles and asks about his health care coverage abroad instead! As a Customer Advocate, Marissa answers his questions but is suspicious of his motives the whole time.

What Is a Flexible Spending Account?

Did you know that you could put money aside just to be used for medical expenses? Using a Flexible Spending Account is pre-taxed and gets set aside right from your paycheck.

What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor?

Getting to know your new doctor can be a bit overwhelming or scary. Pero tener una relación abierta y honesta con el profesional significa una mejor atención médica para usted. Check out the advice that our customer advocate gives to Victor who just switched to a new health care provider.

What Is a Health Savings Account and How Is It Used?

Not one to visit the doctor often? Maybe a Health Savings Account can help. Learn about what an HSA is and how it can be the best option when it comes to your health care.

¿Qué hago si tengo problemas con mi reclamación?

Think something might be wrong with your health coverage claim? Find out what our customer advocate tells Joseph to do.

How Do I Use My Health Plan ID Card?

Understanding what your health plan ID card is for is very important. Learn about why you need it, what information it contains and how to get a new one.

Entender seguros de costos y gastos médicos

Deductibles, co-insurance, premiums... do you understand how they all work? Escuche y aprenda con Joseph mientras analiza los costos con un Especialista en Servicio al Cliente.

How Do I Pay My Premium?

For continuous coverage, it's important to pay your premium on time. Watch as Joseph learns about his options to pay for his health coverage.

How Can I Save Money On Prescriptions?

Si bien los medicamentos pueden ser costosos, existen formas de ahorrar algo de dinero al comprarlos. Be sure to stay up to date with Vanessa, while Robert explains the ins and outs on saving money on prescriptions.