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Atención médica

Validación de la información de profesionales médicos

The information in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois provider directory, Provider Finder®, comes from a variety of sources, often the providers themselves. Some of it may not be verified. La composición de nuestra red de prestadores de servicios médicos está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso.

Doctor sitting at a computer and smiling.


How Often Is Our Provider Directory Verified and Updated?

The timelines below represent our standard verification cycle. Information in Provider Finder® may change in between the verification cycle, and we may not be notified. The information we share is accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Every 90 days:

  • Nombre del profesional
  • Office Location & Phone Number
  • Especialización
  • Nombre del hospital
  • Hospital Location & Phone Number

Every 6 months:

  • Hospital Safety Score

Every 3 years:

  • Afiliaciones a Grupos Médicos
  • Sexo
  • Idiomas Hablados
  • Afiliaciones a Hospitales
  • Certificación de la Junta
  • ¿Acepta pacientes nuevos?
  • Acreditación del hospital

Information Fields

What Information is Included in Our Provider Directory?